
Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Open Beta on temporary hold while we evaluate a player disconnection issue

Hi guys

We have come across a new player disconnection issue that cropped up in the last 48 hours that has made us put a temporary hold on the launch of Open Beta until further notice. We are releasing a new Closed Beta patch today (patch 84) to further investigate the issue and will evaluate as soon as that patch is live this afternoon PST.

The issue manifests itself in disconnecting some groups of players after one to two hours of gameplay, which clearly is not acceptable in Open Beta.

In the meantime we are looking to our devoted community of Closed Beta testers to continue playing the game so we can continue recording data related to the issue and track down the root cause of this particular service-affecting problem.

If we determine after the next patch that the issue has been resolved, we will then proceed to release the game to the public.

As soon as we have more data we will update the community on Facebook, Blogs and through Twitter.

We are clearly disappointed that this afternoon's public launch has been put temporarily on hold, but in the end we strongly believe that first addressing this issue is the most critical and important step we can take as a development team.

As we have done throughout the entire re-launch we will continue being extremely communicative with the community, and will share any status updates as soon as they become available.

On a positive note, we are also in the middle of preparing a thank you “goodie-pack” of game items to all our Closed Beta players for their efforts over the past two months, and we will release that pack the week after Open Beta is released to the general public.

Bjorn / TechMech


  1. Do you have an idea of how long this will delay it?

  2. Thanks for the update, hope you know we all appreciate it. Even though alot don't sound like they are :p

  3. Hehe... so here we are waiting entire day FOR THIS :)

  4. Well, thats quite a...disappointment.

  5. so will this be delayed til midnight or tomorrow?

  6. deutscha82, chill please. "shit waiting for nothing" is a very strange set of words, indicating most terrifying things.

  7. bs... this company sucks. open beta is still a beta and can still be used for testing. you'll lose more customers the more promises you break moreover the more glitches your game has during BETA.

  8. Oh well, I guess I'll go back to City of Heroes.

    Honestly, I don't think the Closed Beta players will be much help, considering the massive amounts of "I didn't get a key in my email", "How do I log in?" and "How do I turn on my computer?" posts that we've gotten from people who were accepted into the closed beta.

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. Piotr, that made my day. Thank you

    Everyone, be patient. They're still human.

  11. Shittty retards! fix it we have been waiting for ever this is very bad PR for you guys.

  12. Im waiting for the goodie-pack.

  13. Yea I got disconnected umm... maybe 4-5 times today in 4-6h.
    So maybe its good to put alittle delay... dunno... Well hope that the OB comes soon. :)

  14. Open beta is not a final release either. You guys still could have let the public on..


  16. Hi @Rando

    Yep - after the patch in 3 hours we will then re-evaluate. We have no desire to hold this back any longer than absolutely necessary.

  17. lol this website thinks my name is Methew? lmao

  18. @Bjorn how bout the issue with people not gaining threat has that issue been addressed in this new patch?

  19. Remember guys as much as it is disappointing it is a necessary evil! lol ;)

  20. OMG. And now? How many days?

  21. I didnt understand...we have to wait a day or two make a week or its bout months?

  22. They're trying to make sure it works before they do "open beta" because after it's in OB, all they're going to improve is their item shop. It's what all Free2Play games do.

  23. The feedback on this blog is unbelievable. People whine and ask for things that already exist instead of THANKING the developers for their efforts. Bloom and shadow control are in Options/Video/Advanced, for example, but people ask when they will be added. No one is hit harder by this setback than the developers and yet we have people whining and getting pissy about it. deutsca - Don't play APB. It is terrible and not worth your time. :p I for one would prefer you never enter the server.

  24. Bjorn is it a possibility that OB could start late tonight if the patch solves the issues? or will it definitely not be before tomorrow at earliest.

  25. Keep calm and carry on.

    G1 will have it fixed in a day or two.

  26. i bet that all of you that are complaining can make a better game than APB without BUGs right?

  27. There are more issues in this game,it isnt ready for open beta !!
    First off all get new admins.
    Because the admins they have know
    are banning random people, like me.
    My account got blocked by an admin because they think i used hacks.
    There are also good players in this game you know.
    I lost my account with premium on it, for playing fair.

    Thnx Gamersfirst for Fucking me

  28. Some people are never satisfied. The same people who complain about not receiving a rushed product are the same people who complain about a product being rushed. Have patience, guys.

    If there was only one minor complaint I could have, it would be only regarding the mentioning of a timezone when it came to announcement dates. I know on the forum it's pretty much common knowledge, but some people who aren't 110% involved with the APB community seem to be left in the dust.

    However that being said, I don't have CB account and it doesn't matter to me. Keep it closed beta as long as it takes to make the product enjoyable.

  29. @wasabi! thumb up!! we are quite egar to throw money at them for there hard work so this is not there desire for this to be delayed!

  30. belive me you guys dont want to play the game on the state it is. u just waste your money if you get premium

  31. Not a damn person in the industry knows what the hell they're doing anymore.

  32. Purée on pourras jamais jouer

  33. I don't care about being able to turn advanced bloom on or off...i want the ability to turn Bloom off period! Bloom sucks..always has and doesn't even remotely remind me of "lighting realism".

    The only way to really turn Bloom off is to go into the file APBCompat.ini and change the settings of "Bloom" from true to false...only problem is this file is reset by the launcher everytime you open the in essence...Bloom is turned on whether you like it or not....Advanced Bloom is bullshit. and doesn't help ANYONE.

  34. это нахуй невозможно!! блять я их ненавижу!

  35. WE ARE NOW LIKE ...

  36. I want my goodie-pack i think its a banana costume :)

  37. got to love the hackers complaining they got banned.. they don't just randomly ban people.. they check you out.. they can see what programs you have running while the game is open.. stuff like that.. they don't just willy nilly ban you lol....

  38. no infos !! no open beta !! if u start the ob u will have problems too, i bet.and then stops again or what?! but mainpoint u have a paysystem for the beta!! im out .this game no way!! u wil lose many fans !! Gamersfirst ? NEVER AGAIN!!!

  39. I'm complaining because I paid $50 for this game last summer and I want to play the game I paid for again. It's not rushed, it's not incomplete, it worked fine a year ago.

  40. @neophyte .. maybe you weren't hacking .. maybe you were exploiting.. taking advantage of the game.. that would get you banned to.. guilty conscience?

  41. @Zach
    Like a great poet once said "never mind the bollocks". Chill, your words won't make people learn anything, and I'm sure it won't make them shut up either ;)

  42. Sounds very good :) Thx for the words :) Cant understand why people dont read, before they complain... I've been waiting now for 22 hours, but rather want the game to be ready :) See you in San Paro :)

  43. i go to sleep!if tomorrow it's not done i go back to wow :( !i trust in you apb:) good night

  44. That's worse then p2p. No wait It is p2p but even worse!!!

  45. So, we have people posting how much this company apparently sucks, however not one of those people have actually experienced the damn issue that is delaying the Open Beta. Let me tell you, from a Closed Beta player to all you who think this is a "disappointment" if they had released Open Beta with the issue of the disconnections, people would turn around and walk straight back out the door. This was a good move by G1 and I hope for all of your sakes, you wake up to yourselves and be patient.

  46. G1 = Fail

    Just be honest G1, you can't stop the hackers(: That's all you have to say, don't have to make up excuses.

  47. My guess is Friday when Open Beta starts or maybe this coming weekend , also why the hell is like 90% of the people commenting here bashing the team?
    They are fixing this problem so that YOU GUYS
    wont start spamming like a bunch of desperate people asking for help , cause you are getting disconnected all the time!
    That would be freaking annoying even for US players , cause when we tried to go to the forums to check some bug within the game or reporting a bug , most of the posts would be

    This is a perfect example of what I've seen just by reading most of these comments.

    Best wishes to the company and I hope it gets fixed soon so we can all enjoy the Open Beta and try to make the game better by reporting the bugs and helping in everything we can.

  48. This is so retarded, Games have problems in OPEN BETA.
    What else is the Open Beta for but for testing bugs?? Why the fuck wouldn't you just say this is the retail release if you don't want bugs.
    Your reasoning for delaying OB makes no sense, not everyone experiences this bug.
    For all of your delaying on telling us, letting us forgo any plans we might of had, you should be ashamed of yourselves as developers, and should release OB, bugs and all, on gratis.
    Sad really.

  49. @Patrick W

    No i wasnt Exploiting, my email said i used hacks.
    But i did not hack !! I swear
    I dont know what there made em thinking i was hacking.
    I only know one reason: Punkbuster doesnt work so they are banning people themselfs.
    But oops some off them are just good.
    They dont know the difference thats the problem

  50. Really guys? First the developers get beat up by the delay and now we come to finish the job...typical....they will fix this soon, just be patient, also I know we are all very angry, I'm angry to, but do you see me whining? The developers already have ENOUGH problems to deal everybody please just sit back, relax, and be PATIENT...

  51. Bashing guys, why don't you all relax and prepare yourselves for hardcore gaming in a short while? Stop acting like you're mental, blaming the dev team for NOT RELEASING a BROKEN PRODUCT to the PUBLIC. Or should they release a broken game so you can bash them even more? Chill out, smoke something or drink or if you're under aged then do something teenagers can still do. Just quit whining and making the team feel bad about creating a game for sobs like many in here.

  52. Ow
    the fire in here is insane...better it get fix then going down for updates for hours on end

  53. Why wouldn't you just release the OB and fix that issue after ? I mean

    More playhers = more feedback = Bugs spotted and solved quicker

    Amirite ?

  54. camerongray48044 said...

    Really guys? First the developers get beat up by the delay and now we come to finish the job...typical....they will fix this soon, just be patient, also I know we are all very angry, I'm angry to, but do you see me whining? The developers already have ENOUGH problems to deal everybody please just sit back, relax, and be PATIENT...

    And this isnt whining?

  55. i mean what was before dinsaours and before the earth. before our galaxy before the big bang...??? this questions are killing my mind... what can we do? who are we? whats the point of apb? who is gay and who isnt how can we know?

  56. @ Gamers Last

    Well if you hack or not, if your good with not hacks.
    And they don't know for sure if you hack or not, they will ban you any ways.
    It also happened to me

  57. yeah i think so to, i wouldnt mind getting disconnected a few times for a taste of the game..i want to try it out so bad..iv'e never played it before..i dont see why you dont release it anyways..

  58. @Piotr I guess it's just disheartening knowing that there are people among the APB player-base who whine first and ask questions later.

  59. Two bad moves on G1's part :
    - if the issue arose 2 days ago, you should have tell right away that the OB would be delayed, so that people didn't get their hopes up
    - nice job "purple rain"-ing people off : you tell them that they don't get to play, but on a positive note... well, they get nothing. But the ones who actually can play will get free items :)

    Anyway, that's what you get for setting an OB date too long ago : you have absolutely no way to guarantee it.

  60. @Gamers Last

    I know they are digging there on grave by banning innocent players.
    I liked this game but after this joke am pretty pissed off.

  61. You guys are saying that players are dcing like every 1 or 2 hours. But how about the districts that are crashing? Is it the same issue or?

  62. Everybody thats complaining shut up. They could just keep the game in Closed Beta untill they feel like its ready to release fully. So just be glad that they are even letting us play in there OB.

  63. Thanks for the update, I hope the server comes up in time for me to log in for a bit tonight. I logged a crash last night a few minutes after logging in but didn't crash after that, but the server was taken down until I was too tired to log back in.

    Good luck on your last minute fixes!

  64. haha why would you put the website for the hackers main source of their hacks.. that site will be down in less then a week

  65. If you guys keep flaming the company,(That shiet wont help at all) its just gunna make you wait even longer so you can regret from what you just said to the company that made this OB.I know how it feels to wait over a year but damn. Try to give them a comment that will make them feel good and try to make this shiet go faster. I was angry too but i didn't show it. it happens in almost every OB. so just give it a rest and stop being aggresive for no fuking reason

  66. @gamers last - hey dude.. no one is holding a gun to your head .. i am sure there are other games out there that you can suck at too.. if this one is bothering you too much maybe its time to move on.. G1 is doing their best ... i bet you couldn't do any better.. unless your a game developer then maybe you need to stop trollin.

  67. Open beta is for testing with a high load for stability, not for testing game breaking bugs like disconnects with small levels of players (Closed Beta). Let them fix those before it all compiles into a shit-storm of bugs that they can't hope to manage and fix. Go and play something else, drink a beer or scotch or go outside or read or sing or something but stop beating on the devs, they've enough on their plate.

  68. Well the thing is , they ANOUNCED 18 MAY ,it's just like, u can't make a promisse that u can't handle. That's why ppl get pissed.

  69. i rest my case .. look gamerslast is posting Aimbot site lol.


  71. So far the admins have not noticed another problem. My account won't let me play because it says i'm not 18 but I am and I played in the closed beta.

  72. Can't understand how people get frustrated anyway... I mean, they are fixing something that is needed to be fixed, I don't think that u really want them to release the open beta atm and get disconnected every now and then (trust me, I know how this feels). Stop complaining and go do something else and freakin LOVE G1 for even making the game availible again! oh yeah, You guys that say things like "Fuck this game im not gonna play it", U are pathetic because u are still going to play when it comes to the open beta so why the fuck bother to even write such bullshit? Thank you once again G1 for making the game availible again!

  73. shit happens..
    beta is beta, tests on more players is more progresive I guess..?
    This game will have amazing and short store imo.

  74. Why don't you dumbass kids learn, just register everything as 18+ years old.

  75. @gamers last
    thanks for showing us u suck.

  76. @Love

    People are pissed because they made a promise : 18 may Open Beta.
    And once again they have disconnect issues.
    So they cant release the OP.
    Its bullshit, there a much bigger problem they need to work on.
    Like stop banning innocent players

  77. I understand the argument that you shouldn't release a broken game, and for the most part I agree. But in truth the game isn't being released, I think everyone going into any form of beta, whether it be open or closed, expects the game to be broken in some ways. I understand G1 reasoning behind not releasing OB, but that doesn't change the fact that a lot of us have been waiting and we want to play. I would also like to point out that most of the people that are like "chill they will release it stop getting mad" are already in the closed beta, so they can play. I would love to here a time they expect to release instead of saying "until further notice" but no amount of whining will change the fact that it is delayed. So hopefully they will get it released soon.

  78. @ Neophyte

    Yes I get your point, and yes ofcourse it is bullshit but its just ironic how much people complain anyway. :)

  79. Seriously would anyone that when thru the trouble of downloading the client give a shit if you DCed every 2 hours?

  80. @neophyte .. so let me get this straight neo.. you would rather them release the OB patch with the current disconnection issues.. so that instead of a couple thousand people posting about this issue it could be a couple 10 thousand people complaining .. come on you can't be that slow. they made the best decision for the issues they have... so relax.. go play some GT4 or something.

  81. @Love will this delay be for a few hours or days or even months?!?!? :( i hope they fix it today cause they made a promise to be on may 18th

  82. Im not in the closed beta, wish i was but i cant help that. So im just going to wait a few more days like everyone here has been waiting. We've all waited a long time for this and it will still be released, just gotta wait a little longer

  83. Patrick W
    ooh come one.
    How many times did they have disconnect problems.
    How much more time do they need fixing those problems.

    And i prefer GT5

  84. @neophyte doesn't matter how many issues they have.. the issue is they have one currently .. plain and simple so instead of bashing them .. try encouraging them.

  85. @David

    Since they have announced that they are working on this specific problem my GUESS is that it won't take long. This I do not know but I hope and guess that it is true. You just got to wait and see m8 :)

  86. I've been in closed beta and there are alot whiners there. Soon when Open beta is released it will be "crybaby invasion." It is funny howmany people can whine because they delayed the OP for just a few hours. I mean comeone you are all human, a few hours wont kill you. And so what if they don't release OP today, it's their game, you DID not pay so in fact you deserve nothing. They don't need you. Eventually they wil get their money. But you guys dont think about that and write crybaby stuff.

  87. This comment has been removed by the author.

  88. You guys aren't missing anything at the moment besides districts crashing at random. You would just be crying about not being able to play instead of crying about the open beta delay.

  89. Well get kicked out every 30-45 minutes so i think waiting for the patch will be good. keep up the good work G1

  90. @Patrick W
    I understand wy people are pissed.
    The only reason wy am pissed is because i got an unfair account block

  91. @Phosgene

    Where are you getting "a few hours" from. I hope it's just a few hours but they didn't specify.

  92. I lulz at all the people who think that there truly are 10s of thousands of people who want or are waiting for the release of this game.

  93. @Neophyte alright.. we got you the first 5 times

  94. The end is near. I charge 10 percent of your income per month to prepare you. Your role in this membership is to recruit more members.

  95. @Neophyte

    Yes, that freakin sucks. If u have not already, write to the support team! They give great responses and will mail u back in 24 hours. I also feel like mentioning that I and I think alot of other people aswell want a phone number to call when u are in need of support. If im wrong and there is a number already, Please respond so I know :p

  96. @Phosgene

    Server down for you too right :D?

    Malorius <<<<<<<<<

  97. Pathetic, bad admin and bad Devs, 2 months and dont fix it???

  98. merde merde merde on jou quand ,

  99. noel-shack

    fais chier tu es bloqué depuis quelle heure en france toi ??moi depuis 23h20

  100. Here disconnect after 10 mins and this 2 times.

    No fun at the moment... fighting starts and byebye District -_-

    So a little delay would be better than this


  101. then giveme a key to play the close beta plz :)

  102. At all the CB testers.

    They said in the post that it is every hour or 2 for the dcs. If this is true then you know when it is coming. If you know when the dc is coming then it is hardly a major problem. Huh, been an hour, log out, relog, play on. If you have a problem with dcs you should not be beta testing games.

  103. @IUberPwnageI
    I understand you're referring to my posts. Well, I'm not in Closed Beta, though I wish I was. This way or another - many comments in here are just disgraceful towards the devs, the people who are creating this game. Should they inform earlier about the delay? Yeah, they should (personally I feel like I've wasted the day because I was waiting for open beta). But it doesn't mean that many in here should start throwing all kind of meat, just because they didn't. And that's why I'm telling people to chill out. Just a tip: never make the developer do something faster than he rightfully should.

    Anyways... Just imagine yourself being a dev, realising that you're creating a game for a bunch of wankers you normally wouldn't even listen to. Not so jolly, right?

  104. @André
    Yeah man :(
    Im trying to jjoin but now it says wrong client version so trying to update (new patch??)

  105. You seriously need to resolve the "out of memory" crash. 10 to 10 minutes I'm getting disconnected!

  106. yea G1 put it on hold till 2012 and also good luck with making your profit ....

  107. Maybe guy's you're APB crashes cause you have weak computers, Just saying

  108. I understand that everyone wants to play, but getting upset and insulting the Company/Game won't make it playable anytime sooner. Plus, I myself don't want to play a game where I get randomly booted to the character selection screen. If they had released open beta before fixing this, you all would have whined and moaned about them releasing a faulty game to the public. They're trying to get it worked out asap, so just sit back and wait just a little longer.

    But on a side note, Bjorn, have any emails/updates been sent out in the past two weeks to the emails that have signed up on the main page? If so can you tell me the address they were sent from so I can search my email? I can't find any updates or any emails of any type, and I'm 100% sure I signed up for the emails. Thanks in advance.

  109. We have big problem ...

    This to days we got more and more hackers in the game... in past few days I could change to other district and its all was good no hackers.,.. now in every district hackers all over... Aimbot,, wall hack health hack, etc. its getting more more hard to play.. if in CB there is lots of hackers in OB will be boom of hackers.. and if its go that way I quit. why play with unfair players? ......

    So please after disconnect issue . PUT ALL YOUR HAND ON HACKERS!!!!!!! this game will go down if hackers not stopped :(

    P. S. Its like every 3rd player hacking... like they got some soft that is enable or disable the hacking system. (some kind of cheat) !!!

    hope you guys will activate some antihack system in OB so they all will go off....

  110. Servers down, need to long?

  111. Can't login Error contains:
    "The aPB servers are coming back online Soon but are unavailable at this time. Please try again shortly (error code 10007)."

    @ Luis Miguel You got win32 bit and that means all programs have a limit of 2 GB. When it gets more than 2GB its going to crash(APB).


    I agree with you 100%.
    People say they want to be in beta so badly, but theyre only gonna play and complain. So I am glad that some "testers" dint get an invitation.
    It would only ruin the closed beta for us. Save the gaming for the official release people. They need to IMPROVE this game alot, believe me.
    Look on internet to "unlock"the 2GB lock.
    It worked well for me.

  112. @Luís Miguel
    If you're using the 32bit operating system then check some of the previous posts or just google for "3gb switch". It's a common problem.

  113. @Krrris

    Not that many people hack, they are simply much better than you.

    I for one get at least 10-20 kills in every mission (and im not hacking) and for some reason I've only met a few that i THINK was hacking.

    But I strongly recommend G1 to do something about the problem, because im getting flamed for hacking all the time. So it would be nice, if I could proove to those whining noobs that I'm simply that much better :P

  114. so how long you think till we know if this patch fixes the problem and they can open beta?

  115. @mike just wait.
    Wait and all your questions will be answered.

  116. How can we test the new patch if servers are down? xD

  117. Just because of the general attitude I hope they hold off OB another month or two..

    We don't need you and your whine in /d

    Also, just because I can.. CB is great, getting a bit tired though since I have been in since first invite wave.. now more tears please!

    Gotta love nerdrage.. sigh..

  118. You would complain more if you were getting disconnected every one or two hours. Lets give the guys some apreciation and some patience. They are not working only for themselves but for us too. So we can play and enjoy a bug free game.
    Let`s hope they`ll finish soon with these issues. Keep up the good work guys!

  119. trust me im still being patient im just super excited and was just curios on a eta of a future update just like eveyone else been waiting awhile but unlike most people i can wait i just was wondering what were looking at =]

  120. Any details when I'm able to go on the servers again? I just get used to the game's UI and all sort of things like this.

  121. They SHOULD NOT release OPEN BETA today. IT is just OBVIOUS that the game isnt ready for OPEN BETA. Life is hard I know, people will actually die because they can't play in a video game, grow up people buy a Ps3 or something.
    Delay Open Beta with 2/3 weeks and it will be ready.

  122. Maybe they can also fix the darn weird high ping I get only in the Waterfront as well. -.-

  123. @mike I`m super excited too, like everyone else. Played the p2p version, loved the game and was verry dissapointed when it was closed.
    But we won`t help them or they won`t work faster if we complain or make useless posts like most on the forum/blog related to the release of OB.
    I believe they are doing the best they can.

  124. Thanks for the info Phosgene! Hope it gets better...

  125. i under stand the delay but phosgene you do realize that open beta is indeed still beta right what an open beta allows is alot more people to play and there for find more bugs open beta is not releasing the game its simply opening up to more bugs so they can fix more problems so when the game goes full on there is less problems to handle in the future i wasent sure if you knew what the meaning of BETA TESTING was but there you go

  126. Too bad i am the only one of 5 friends who got a CB Key. I thought i can play with them this weekend but it doesnt seems to happen,....

  127. Im very much looking forward to the Open Beta too, some of you who have commented here are going to explode and rage when us vets kick your arse repeatedly over and over again. To everyone else who hasnt raged in these comments, welcome and let the good times begin!

  128. coucou je suis le seul francais , et l'open beta on l'attend toujours sniff aller courage les mecs de abp

  129. hopefully OB will come with some way to STOP ALL THESE DAMNED HACKERS. Today i came around a blind corner totally closed in flanking from the usual route the rest of the nubs kept running in to die @ just to find a precooked nade @ my feet JUST as i showed myself

  130. target date?
    ..error code 110004!
    say next week and im fine with that term,but dont say open beta:18th ..and let us wait!
    ready or not? bad mood now^^

  131. I played this game inclosed and open Beta for RTW and I'd have to say I'm disapointed they could not keep their word regarding the open beta date. I get theydid it because they had to, I just don't want to see them go down the same road RTW did whith this game. hope it's up soon :D

  132. I hope Open beta gets delayed, It will help to improve the game for open beta

  133. Also Closed Beta is a beta test for as many people as the devs want to let in usually only a couple handfuls..Open Beta means the game is almost ready to go and almost ready to open full game and everything is working fine..just need to test out a few little quirks ..Full open game means there is no bugs at all period!! just to clear that up

  134. I agree with the fact that I would rather the game be more ready before releasing Open Beta.

    It works like a bridge. If you have an incomplete bridge and open it up to more traffic, the bridge is going to collapse. We need to make sure the APB bridge is more sturdy before bringing on more weight.

    Thank you Gamersfirst for taking care of the game and the players!

    We all know the programs in 32bit can max run 2GB.
    So here is a sollution to "unlock"the limited 2GB per program.
    Go to Windows>System32 and click run as Administrator CMD.exe :
    At the command prompt, Write:
    "bcdedit /set IncreaseUserVa 3072"

    And then Restart the computer.
    After restard APB should run fine and no crashes of out of mem.
    Worked for me, hope helped y'all.

  136. @Billy and Phosgene

    Billy, you mad bro? I you suggest you calm down good sir....I'm fully aware they do this because they must. As for you Phosgene, I'm going to guess you got a closed beta key, so I'm willing to say you have no comprehension of how others might feel regarding the delay. I doubt you would be saying "let's delay the open beta for 2-3 weeks her dur" have the shoe been on the other foot.

  137. Holy crap the page view counter is going crazy!

  138. I'm not pissed about the delay, I'm just disappointed because really wanted to play today.

    I understand that G1 is fixing some bugs, and I appreciate that. Hopefully it comes out sooner than a week or so.

    Godspeed G1!

  139. I'm to lazy to read everything but the Players don't get a Disconnect.. the whole District goes offline

  140. @EepperTheClown
    Eh yes but this game will lagg so hard with another 50.000+ players in.
    I am just suggesting that It wouldn't work nice if they release OPEN BETA today. We were lagging in waterfront, you believe it? population was 40 on 26, and I had 2 seconds delay while driving(not just me, some friends too).
    And what will happen with open beta then?
    And somethings are still buggy like Item runaway, you cant drive away with the item because it affects the acceleration of the car, imagine how many crybabies will cry about that :)
    Closed/Open beta is meant to TEST the game not to PLAY IT and whine like a kid -.-.
    So you all are just fake testers with the reason to play"ohh i wanna play so badly". Play? you mean test the game. And I dont think you all are excited because you want to test the game so BAAADLY -,-.

  141. Well, be patient. hope it starts at 4:00 now lets do some homework.

    Thanks for telling us..

  142. So whats the latest Bjorn been watching the blog for hours waiting to see if it will be online...

  143. just to clearify this things
    Closed Beta:server stress check, Major bugs, Glitches, errors, issues etc
    Open Beta: Just bug, game is pretty done with little to add

  144. Closed Beta servers are Up again.

  145. at the end of a 150+ 90% before...stfu apb is a killer game! G1 wants to take this game where RTW failed. whats in the works will fill my dreams =p keep up the good work G1

  146. Well I kinda tried to play today at 00:01 a.m. lawl. Tried again in the morning and after work. I understand fully that G1 is trying to make the game playable, shame I can't be a part of that. Although I'm a bit tired and sad of the waiting, I shall wait the time needed to OB. Guys don't rage, just wait a bit longer.. kay? I bet all of you have broken a promise or two before. Besides, I didn't see G1 saying "We promise OB on May 18" so they didn't break any promises. They simply HAD to delay the game. That is all, good night.


  148. beta day comes around and all the ingrate troglodytes just come out of the woodwork, never fails. 161 comments in less than 4 hours and 90% of them are just ignorant fuckers. I don't care if you hack and haven't gotten caught, shut up. I don't care that you took a whole day off of work to get into open beta, you're a moron, I hope you get fired and lose your house, all because you wanted to play open beta launch of a video game. I hope your whole family is forced to live in the streets and your youngest child starves to death. You make me sick, I don't want to hear how pathetic your life is.

    @Bjorn and dev team. Ignore the ingrates, do what you think you gotta do to get the game into a state that you feel is acceptable for open beta. I've waited almost a year to get back into APB, and I can wait another year if that's what it takes to return the game to the glory that RTW had hoped for it. also, I've registered on the site several times now for newsletters and mail and whatnot and have yet to see anything float into my inbox. There a way you could send out these blog posts in email, or allow some sort of search function so I can skip straight to your updates and not have to wade through 100 someodd posts of people whining? Some method of getting to the important stuff would be extremely helpful for those of us that wait patiently, but are tired of listening to the idiot masses. Maybe there's something I could do to just 'click-ignore' people that continuously just spew filth onto the screen because they are too pathetic to actually contribute anything useful to the species.

  149. Neophyte said...

    Hey noob Pls stuf, you are retard using hack get banned and now stay crying like a baby, go play other game without game protection, you get Banned for ever srry. next time think 2 times before use cheats . NOOB.

  150. hey this patch will b good considering last night alot of people got disconnected every 5 to 30 mins couldnt even complete a mission guys so hope fully this patch also fixes that was hella messy last night.

  151. Lets put all the BS aside...lets say K2 games/Gamersfirst want to make a game that is long lasting? lets look at what RTW did...and put out a game that wasn't ready to try and stop them from going under. we all know, rtw failed. Gamers First is taking the steps needed to making a long lasting mmo/fps
    im sure they want to make money off this game and will do what they feels will make the most $$$ in the long run. (and im fun with that) APB is like any other game ive ever played...I have a hard time sleeping after my heart is pounding so hard for these battles. please wait and enjoy what ive fall in love with!

  152. ok thanks for keeping us up to date

  153. wow...i cant believe the effort the team are putting in on APB...i never recieived a CB what?.....all you nubs on here slating the team for their time and effort should STFU , go drink a beer, go for a walk, maybe get your nappies changed , because most of the whining posts on here sound just like petulent 2 year old kids.....damn...give the team a chance!!....

  154. @Bjorn - myself and many of the forum users are experiencing error 60004 - characters locked in districts, rendering them unplayable. What's the cause of that?

  155. Considering that a 2 year old kid can't spell many words ...

  156. I thought the point of an open beta was to get more people testing the game because the majority of the bugs are worked out? Don't you think more people playing would give you more disconnects to look at?

  157. servers just crashed again Oo Disconnection issues....still , the whole district was like Auto spamming chat coz of lag, it was hell in San Paro lol , then it went black, no game...

  158. and this is after the new patch.....

  159. It was a different type of disconnect this time, so might be them just restarting servers or something like it.

  160. PLEASE launch Open Beta its better play 2 game and gettin dc/ed that didnt play at all

  161. @marc People like you will ruin the game.. If you had to choose of:
    - Getting the game prepared for a succesfull OpenBeta
    - Not ready for Open Beta but launch anyway
    I bet you would go for second, ONLY because YOU can play. You are selfish..
    Go play CoD.

  162. This comment has been removed by the author.

  163. Beta testing goodies! Om Nom Nom!

    Hope you get the d/c bugged fixed soon. Not going OB with it is a good call if you ask me, it's quite an annoyance.

  164. Apb, you just lost alot of fans... I will still wait for the OB but others are already gone to other games. I advise you to give a FINAL day to the OB and everyone will appreciate this.

  165. @Phosgene Easy to say when u are in Closed Beta u dont know what People that was waiting for Open beta me feel and its very disapointing that we cant play the game bcs of a little bug... they still can fix it in open Beta The Closed beta tester do NOT own the game dont think ur more important than other people...

  166. @Phosgene No people like you don't understand the concept of Beta. Everyone looking to play this game has to understand that the game will have its bugs/glitches/connection issues. But we'll all deal with that and keep playing knowing they're getting worked on. To not go from closed to open beta over such a minor issue is a poor decision and has clearly alienated the new wave of players coming in.

    Hell fully complete games get released with more connection issues then what closed beta players are going through now. Theres no reason to keep this delay up from going to open beta.

  167. im killing myself, just a heads up.


  168. @marc uhmm APB is just a game, just to remind you.
    This is game is not part of my life.. its just a damn video game.
    You guys act like you can't live without APB.
    Just wait for the fuxing Open Beta >.<
    Wait and all your questions will be answered.
    YOU guys are making G1 to RUSH the ope beta release and that will ruin the original game because we couldn't test enough.
    And that ONLY because YOU selfish bastards wants to play.
    I play only APb 2 hours a day and its boring after a while. I wanted to give my Beta account away but since everyone wants to play it and not test it I am not going to.
    Just wait

  169. How About you take care of the 3d hud hacks that put a red box around enemy players that grows/shrinks based on distance. This is a huge issue and is WAY bigger then a little disconnection. Sure I lost two missions I should have won because of losing connection but the truth is that I would rather play a semi hourly disconnecting game with no hackers than play a game filled with hackers.

  170. That's 2 hours more than us... and It still open BETA there still BETA its not Finished game soo yea...they should not delay it only bcs of a single...dc/ed bug

  171. well, atleast some news , nice to know they remember about us

  172. Anyway did the update fix the Disconect issue or not?

  173. And again the servers are DCing,

    - Desticate

  174. Would be nice if they could keep us updated on whats going on a little more often

  175. Frank how about you just get better at the game? you know there are people who are just better than you right? Or are you one of those people who cant cope/understand that your just not that good? Its not the hackers that are the problem its people like you, constantly thinking everyone who kills you must be hacking, if anything is going to ruin that game, its hackusations.

    For everyone else, the game is not FILLED with hackers, there have been a few who have been detected and subsequently banned, there will be more who will be detected and banned, its an ongoing process but in comparison to numbers, hackers are in a tiny TEMPORARY minority.

  176. I was wondering if anyone received one newsletter AT ALL? I signed up in Late January and haven't received one since...What up with that?

  177. So does anyone know if they solved the issue yet, or the time span in which its going to take to fix it?

  178. Well this suck's a bit haha. I Beta tested the original APB before it came out and never after that. I Didn't have time to get into afterwards but liked it a lot. After hearing about APB Reloaded I said holy shi* that's awesome. Can't wait for the OB to be released because I wanna check it out and play it once again. I used to work for a software company finding bugs for games and software and writing them up and to be honest it does take a little work to be able to have the bug re occur since it doesn't always happen the same way every time then you have to take the time to write a report about it and how you got the bug to occur then the time comes into play where you have to find and fix the bug. But all in all I can't wait to play it again.

  179. ha dont be too upset, in the closed beta its not much better since RTW if you ask me.

  180. @Gerry
    Nope... no newsletters what so ever. And I check spam regularly. That's actually the only issue making me a bit disappointed with G1.

  181. today or tomorrow is up open beta?

  182. People certainly make me laugh on this blog. I can't tell you how many posts I read where I just shook my head and thought "Wow! What an idiot!!"

    Anyways, those who are waiting because you didn't make CB, too damn bad. Stop your bitching. Comments regarding "this company sucking" well newsflash, the very game you are posting about and the VERY game you want to play... Oh yes thats right... If THIS company did not bring it back, you'd not be waiting to play it. All this promise bullshit is annoying and you all need to check yourself. Nowhere in any they said "I PROMISE OPEN BETA WILL BE MAY 18" or at least I didn't read it.

    Normally I don't comment on this blog, but I felt like I should as it gave me a whole lot of laughs at all these pathetic little children ranting.

    @Bjorn - When you read this when I'm sure you will, show us your true colors and set some of these kids straight (within reason) on this blog. :)


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