
Friday, April 8, 2016

Who we are at APB Reloaded

Hello Citizens,

Starting this month we will bring to you a new feature with our APB blog posts by introducing members of our staff to the community. This will provide you all with a glimpse of who we are and what each of us is responsible for within APB’s reloaded development.

Each introduction will include a few questions about what they do, their thoughts and other little titbits of information you might find interesting. With our first entry I am happy to present to you Magallen, our resident Operations Engineer who was kind enough to provide some answers to our questions.

1. What does a work day look like for you? Talk us through some of the different tasks you have to perform.

My main work day to day is writing code for the back end servers and databases used by APB, providing the platform upon which an MMO runs.

I wear some other hats too:
I'm responsible for making sure our QA team always have a safe space to test in;
I work with CS to help diagnose issues players are experiencing;
I work with our operations team to make sure that all of our hardware, new and old, is properly set up to be used for our live service;
I handle deploying new builds to our servers and configuring them to run the right servers in the right places.

The short version is: my job involves solving problems. Ideally before they happen. If something isn't working, I'm usually a good person to ask about it.

2. What has changed over the course of your time here at Reloaded? Do you have any memories that stand out as special for you?

We've seen a lot of people come and go in my time at reloaded but I don't think that's ever changed the mentality of the team. We still have a strong sense of family and everyone pulling together to make APB a place where you guys want to spend your time. We've improved a lot on our processes and how we communicate to get things done faster and make sure everyone is on the same page.

I've also really enjoyed seeing my colleague’s careers progress alongside mine and them rising to new challenges.

I think my favorite single memory was the first time we had an in office play test of the Easter egg mini-game (and not just because it's the only time I wasn't the worst player in the office).

It's my personal favorite event and it was good to see the whole team enjoying the game that we built.

3. What excites you about the future of APB?

In my own time I game on console much more than PC so I'm looking forward to being able to play APB at home on console.

I'm also looking forward to seeing a lot of new faces it brings into the APB community.

4. What game(s) are you enjoying at the moment?

I've been hooked on Star Wars Battlefront for a while now. I'm always playing football manager (Inter Milan are my team this year) and I play some Pokémon when I get the chance.

5. Is there a new game or piece of gaming tech that you are really excited about?

I think affordable VR kits open up some awesome ideas that just weren't feasible before. Games gaining access to almost infinite cloud processing power could allow developers to create a lot of things that until now have been impossible.

6. What is your all-time favorite video game?

Always a tough one. I'll say Skyrim, and the whole elder scrolls series, are the games that I've enjoyed most.

I want to thank Magallen for taking time from his busy schedule as well his Pokémon game time with us and we look forward to introducing you to the other developers here at APB Reloaded.

We also are announcing the SIN TO WIN event where it pays to be bad. This event runs from Saturday to Monday, so here is your chance to be rewarded for being your bad selves.

Till next time, be safe and good gaming citizens,