
Friday, March 25, 2011

The Missing Skill-Ratings, and a Thanks to Hackers

Ok - so time has come to lift the covers off one of the core problems in APB; the lack of meaningful ratings that underpin the "threat" and matchmaking systems.

There are various important core issues that the team is working on (such as spawning in your enemy's face in particular, which the team has been working on some really elegant solutions for), but the lack of real ratings is critical since it causes a ripple-effect of problems. Matchmaking now consist of a very smart and sophisticated matchmaking algorithm, paired with a very "basic" (and maybe even "dumb") rating algorithm.

We are fixing all this as one of the reasonably early Open Beta tasks (not the very first OB release, but in the second round of OB or so), and at this point one of the core feedback items from Closed Beta is - "that's some crappy matchmaking." We agree. Let me explain. 

No Real Skill-Rating
For a game that has some really cool and well engineered systems, it was a bit of a shocker to discover that in spite of relying almost exclusively on computer generated match making (unlike games like Counter-Strike where you make your own matches), no real thought was made to create a decent skill-rating system to feed those match-making decisions.

APB has a slew of different level and progression measurements visible to the player with titles like "threat", "rating" etc. This gets terribly confusing since "rating" as used in the APB UI actually means "progression" (or in MMO terms really "Level," not to be confused with APB's use of the word "Level"), and "Threat" is actually supposed to be a rough representation of "skill-rating" in more traditional game language.

Right now "Threat" - ie what 'should' be rating and what is the critical value used by the matchmaking system - is computed using a mechanic that tries to emulate Premiership League standings (or "soccer" to all the Americans reading this). A win gives you 3 points, a draw 1 point and a loss 0. Then APB takes that score over your last 50 matches, with a focus on the last 20 and figures out if you are above or below your opponents using this crude straight-win system. No regard is paid to how many matches you have played (is this match 52 or match 952?) and no regard for what level of player you have beat/lost to in the past. All wins and losses are treated equally. Even if you were to beat uneven odds (like 1 v 3).

Thus if you have 20 wins in a row, your "threat" (your skill-rating) balloons. Even if all you did was beat 20 newbies. And you will then be tossed into 1 v 3 or even 1 v 4 scenarios as you have a high threat level.  Killing newbies still shoots your "threat" level through the roof. If you had close fought losses against true veterans, those losses are still considered as bad as if you had lost to some really bad players.

Since there is no consideration for the skill of those you beat, the number of people you beat, nor the manner in which you beat them, you are not ever going to hone in on a TRUE skill rating in the current system, and it becomes easy to game the system. For anyone familiar with the XBox True Skill system the above system probably doesn't make a whole lot of sense. We agree.

Chess, Glicko and TrueSkill
The fundamental idea behind a good rating system is to let people slowly hone in on the rating they truly should be over a long period of time, and then try to predict matches that will provide the best experience to the players involved.

I have been involved in many different game companies in the past, and we always ended up going back to Chess ratings as the foundation for our rating algorithms ( ). People have been extending chess ratings for a long time, most recently Microsoft's implementation of the TrueSkill rating system, which is a rather complex system, but fundamentally is an expression of Chess ratings applied in online matches.

There are less computationally intensive rating systems such as Glicko ( ) which strike a balance between the "drifts" that tend to occur in pure Chess ratings and the complexities of the TrueSkill implementations.

So part of what we are trying out, will be a system that uses a LOT of the different characteristics of the above rating systems. It is still going to be a little while with the current wild Threat system (sure - go ahead and exploit it, lose 20 matches in a row, and then go kill newbies if you like since your threat will suddenly seem "low") - but clearly it's a top priority to get this worked out in Open Beta.

This leads to another requrement...

User Segmentation
In Most MMOs (like in Knight Online, another game that we publish) people tend to get grouped into distinctly different combat segments. In KOL the groupings are for levels 0-35, 35-60 and 60-83. The groupings divide players out based on the types of equipment they have and the amount of progression they have made in the game.

In APB this isn't strictly applicable given the hybrid nature of the Shooter/MMO and the greater emphasis on skill rather than progression, but at minimum "protecting" lower rated players from the being "hammered" turns out to be really important.

Therefore the next big thing is going to be creating some basic "skill-level districts." If a player doesn't 'volunteer' to join a higher skill-rated district, then he/she will be kept in the district with the most appropriate skill-ratings for his/her current skill-rating. We'll share more details on how this will be handled, as we get closer to releasing game changes that incorporate this.

Sure a lower level player can VOLUNTARILY join a higher rated district (maybe his/her friends are there), but the default action would be to put you in a district that most closely matches your current skill.

User Control Debate
One of the key items we keep debating internally is the amount of end-user control we should expose to the players in parallel with the Open World systems that will always be the core of the system.

In other words, how "counter-strike-like" we should make the start up of some matches. In Counter-Strike, since you can determine the exact nature of the team and your opponents, you actually are less dependent on a good rating system. So, one potential fix is to permit players the ability to queue-up and start their own fights (of course NOT removing anything from the current city or mission systems, just adding this ability in addition to the the mission systems).

Even though that might seem counter to some of the original APB ideas of launching things under the veneer of the living city, giving people direct game control would potentially let players set up matches that the system would never really promote on its own (who would NOT like 14 v 14 fights if they were available?) Our addition of Chaos rules and Turf Wars certainly adds some elements of session fights, and Chaos and Turf Wars are certainly our next big focus, but in addition to those enhancements, we are also debating if we should add direct match tools to the game. That way you can decide to play Open Missions (the current system), Chaos/Turf Districts or Player Matches.

We are happy to take feedback on this point, though I have a feeling that the true feedback would come in terms of a user trial (ie - we might put some of that in there and see where players go). The timing however, is obviously a little foggy, given the enormous amount of changes we are already working on and the huge backlog of game changes we are working on right now.

Finally - Thanks to Hackers
For the past 3 weeks we have been watching and observing user behavior in Closed Beta. We'd like to extend a "thanks" to the 60 odd players that have been toying around with various hack tools (about 0.4% of the players). Thanks to your hard cheating work, we are now much better equipped to deal with you going forward. How? I guess you will find out.



  1. man, i was hoping you guys would do skill level districts, seems like a perfect way to divide players.. sometimes its no fun playing against the people that seem like they live, eat, and breathe to exclusively play this game

  2. Thanks a lot for the Update! :)
    Next time, please just let us now anything, rather than nothing.
    Even let us know that you are reading the 5000 Pages Manual of your fancy missing network Stuff, than say nothing.

    Im looking forward to the announced changes! And the EU servers of course. I stopped playing, a ping of 220+ doesnt realy support a FPS... ;)

  3. If you found only 60 hackers that is a big disappointment. Im sure that i can pay $20 for cheats, go on the cheaters forum and find more than 60 users that are posting. To add insult to injury, you keep the hackers?; To study them??? They're not a secret organization they have youtube videos of what they do.

  4. hopefully something is done about the cheaters. But to be honest I think it would be well over 60 people that are currently cheating.

  5. goood update noooooooooo cheaters¡¡¡¡

  6. If cheaters were insta-banned then how would they collect information about the cheats to help in the long-term? Common sense much.

  7. Its AT LEAST 25% hackers at the moment. Even RTW unofficially admitted that one in three was hacking towards the end of retail. Fact

  8. Ok but where is info about eu servers?

  9. What an AWESOME update!
    I REALLY like those ideas for ratings, and possibly even player made matches, although they might be easily exploitable.

  10. It's nice to see something being done about the skill/rating system. I'm assuming this will carry over into the leaderboards as well? So it's not just taking into account mission wins/losses or kills/deaths but the actual ratio and how tough the opponents were?

    Also, the whole skill system falls apart if cheaters slip through the cracks, so I really hope you guys have the cheating aspect covered as well as you seem to be claiming.

    Overall, this has been the most exciting news post for me to read, so I hope open beta is right around the corner!

  11. Hopefully 60 was a mis-type for 600. Otherwise this game is so boned.

  12. I find some of these comments about cheaters utterly hilarious.

    FACT CHECK: More than 3/4 of the people you *claim* to be cheating are, in fact, simply that much better than you

    So many people can't deal with the fact that they are not the best and could stand to see some considerable improvement in their play. It's pretty sad stuff.

    60 actual cheaters out of 25,000 (in a closed beta, mind you) is more accurate than 600. FAR more accurate.

  13. When the hell... is eastern wave coming?
    Why arn't there any dates of anything?

  14. I give you guys major props for all that work you're doing on this game. It's great to see someone actually put some time and thought into improving the game....

    Also, how the hell do you handle the majority of commenters/testers/etc being complete and utter idiots??? I mean, half of them can't put a complete sentence together. The other half think that the purpose of a closed beta is to bitch about getting shot too much.

  15. Hey, all you "what about the EU server," idiots...

    How about reading the whole Blog before you start jabbing at your keys, in a half-wit rage.

  16. A good rating system could be just useing the buttions for the game the more experince points the more rank u get and more rank = you playin with people your rank

  17. For all of the people too busy complaining to read;

  18. that's a ban in open and public game for me... that is if they've really tracked me....

  19. Great post, save for referring to 'noobs' as 'idiots'...really, G1? It's bad enough your community is full of ignorant and hatefull people. Please tell me that the devs behind the game have more in common with the trolls in the community-which make up most of it right now-than the few really cool, helpfull people. Sure, the trolls might bring people in, but they're going to end up being what drives people out-starting with the cool, helpfull people.

  20. this is great, haha. Hackers get owned more plz

  21. @zidders

    Actually - by "idiots" I wasn't really referring to new players per se. It was more to illustrate that in the current system losing or winning against great or bad players produces the exact same outcome for your rating.

    And no - I certainly hope none of us on this side are dismissive of players. In fact, one of the goals is actually to make the game more fun for new players!

  22. My concern with introducing all these different game modes is that you will fractionalize the player base - making it hard to find for people to find open world matches in their skill level if they aren't a part of a guild regularly teaming up for high skill or tailored player matches.

    I might just be paranoid since with a f2p model you should have a ton of players - but could be an issue.

  23. What I really want to see implemented is stats for the guns. Right now they all have the same stats for everything but reload rate and sometimes firing rate. Unless that is just something messed up with me not seeing it.

  24. Dear Gamers First,

    Do not allow players to create their own matches as one can in CounterStrike. This will have severe consequences. First, allowing selectable matches opens up a whole new can of worms in terms of exploiting. I wont even bother going into detail, but the bottom line is that G1 time can be spent better. Second, allowing player created matches AND the current system to take place simultaneously will reduce the effectiveness of a new matchmaking system. With less players to find a suitable match, it is more likely to create an imbalanced match. Third, this will extremely reduce the immersion one feels when playing this game. It will make matches impersonal, and grind-like. Fourth, there does need to be support for large scale matches, but not through custom matches. Perhaps one could queue for hourly "organized crime", pitting players in larger battles, maybe even district wide.
    Fifth, the "dumb" matchmaking system still provided a level of accuracy despite the various exploits or unfortunate matches. It was still fun. However, I am extremely excited to hear about these new algorithms designed to better match people. I would also hope that you integrate support for larger battles through that matchmaking process. Again, it would all go to waste if custom matches were available.

    G1, please do not incorporate custom matches!

  25. @Bjorn

    I see how you are illustrating the new matchmaking system, but have you at Gamersfirst considered a "PSR" system? Basically, you start out with a set value for all players (i.e. 1000) the "PSR" (Which stants for Public Skill Rating) will pair you up with players with a close rating, and decide by the differantional % or rating. i.e. if the opponent has 1100 PSR and you have 1000, you will earn, lets say, 1 more psr for winning, and the opponent will LOSE 1 more point, and win less. (That will say you will fall down to your skill level quickly, and the opponent will raise to a balanced level of his skill.) In a set world, you could have a player with this 400 psr, and the other one with 600. Let's say that the 1000 PSR has a 40% chance of winning, according to win, now that will cause the 400psr player to WIN more points, and lose less. Say the 400 psr player wins 20 points and lose 10 (Since he has only a 40% chance of winning, he loses less and wins more) and the 600 psr player wins 10 points and loses 20. The more skilled player will win less for crushing the lower skilled player, but the lower skilled player wont have such a strong penantly for losing against an unfair balanced game.

    Same comes to groups. TSR (Team skill rating) which calculates the amount of psr and divides it by the number of users. This way you can more easily match up against a group of equally skilled players, and again with the % of winning, the points, rewards and organization standing will be rewarded like that.

    Only downside with this is probably that a high psr player could group with a low psr player, but since APB is based on SKILL and not completely on levels and gear and so on, the players will still have a chance. Elsewise you could find an algorythm which finds a low psr player and groups him with a high psr player.

    - Thor

  26. And whens that open beta coming? Can't seem to get a hand on a closed beta application key what-so-ever. :(

  27. Simply a bad ranking System, creating new chars will result in an 0 ranking.

    work with percentages !
    2 played games, 1 win, 1 loss
    rating worth scaled up to 50: 150

    Means everyone start new chars for farming money.

  28. Chaos ruleset? You are actually going to bring in the chaos ruleset? YEEEEEEEESSSSSSSSSSS!!

  29. Thanks for the update, I would
    like to add that I think your
    progress with the game is extraordinary, I, myself haven't found
    any major defections up until now including the Skill-Ratings system in
    the MatchMaking mod, although I can
    understand that maybe other players would need that assistance.

    Thanks again, and I cant wait for the open beta :D

  30. The open beta comes when it comes so STFU now with your questions!
    Sorry but i read only the same questions here...
    Read the blog and wait!
    And if you can't wait play crysis 2 or so :D
    Or play Reallife!!!! oO
    Btw. nice update :D

  31. I would definitely say don't allow custom matches and hide everything from the player, perhaps even the skill level of the districts. Unless you've radically improved it from the old APB then you play the game because of the living world feeling, if you want pure combat then there are far better games.

  32. Thanks for the update.

    I was playing against *SexGod*
    that guy was pissing me of with his hacks, lets hope he gets banned soon to. and that he wont be able to play apb again ><

  33. I wonder if the Wall of Shame is operating again... Would be nice to see who is suspected at this point.

  34. Wow... Don't even bother with Wall of Shame forums right now. They're besieged by spammers.

  35. So bjorn? when the EU servers come online, will it Be Closed beta wawe (something) or Open Beta?? :D

  36. sure theirs plenty of videos the dumb hackers post to brag about how 'great' they are
    but a video only does so much
    At least in game.. they can also watch the coding and game itself and how their hacks are slipping through and what not

  37. The gamersfirst website right now is so slow at loading the pages.. they either time out or return a page error. It is like loading a page on dial-up :\


    First link on google if you type "APB Reloaded Hack", and probably the source of most of your problems.

    Isn't it easier to deal with a problem from the source? I'm sure you guys could think of something... Just saying.

    Either way, I doubt there are NEARLY as many people hacking as the people in these comments are crying about, so I'm not all that worried about it either... Moving on to what I am worried about.

    I also agree with everything in Dexter's post.

    Take a look at Crimecraft. If you add Counter-Strike style servers, you will lose the complete unique game experience APB has, and join the ranks of about 30 other established F2P MMOFPS games.

    Granted, you will still have the in-depth customization, which sets this game apart, but you will lose the far more immersible style of game-play found only in APB:R. I know you won't remove that from the game, but you will lose it. The 250,000+ people who applied for CB want the APB where you run around in action districts. If you diversify the player-base into regular 14v14 rooms, it's just going to break people apart. You might pick up a few new people who think it's a cool idea, but you will lose many for fear of the new direction the game will be heading at that point.

    Your time at G1 is much better spent focusing on the ideas already set in place, and improving upon those ideas already implemented.

    Keep up the good work gents.

  39. Also when someone has a high-rating character and creates an alt, the alt should start with higher rating.
    Also, a G1 BETA and an RTW (live or beta) player, should also start with higher rating.This means that the guy is veteran.

    So when fighting a match being eg. TL12+ you 'll get dispatched against three or four low-rating players (R10-R20) with Threat Level 1-3. What if those guys have "pro skills" (I mean that those guys could be either veterans from RTW Live or just alts)? Is that fair? OFC not. That's why their minimum Threat Level should be like 5.

  40. @ethicsarmageddon

    Because this game is now F2P, that kind of system could be easily avoided by simply creating your alternate character on a new account.

  41. lol only 60 wow u guys didnt detect shit theirs way more of us out there with hacks ur game is going under again lolololooloolo

  42. Kenny you're ridiculous! Go play pac-man and!

  43. and kenny, how are they going to go under if it is free2play?

  44. @ Loliqon
    nevertheless if not implemented at all it will just make zerging faster...

  45. Great job guys! APB: Reloaded is a 1000x better than the rtw release. You guys seem to be right on track on making this game even better. I can't wait to see the end result :D

  46. Interesting decisions, makes me wonder how Calling For Backup will feature? Calling for backup in the first game was apparently random and doing so had no negative effects. Players should receive more points for deliberately not calling for backup and players answering backup requests should get more points as an incentive for doing so. Similarly if you are fighting someone and they call for backup then you should receive a point bump for successfully forcing them to request help. Makes sense, right?

  47. @truesurvivalmc

    Insults don't work on these guys. They love it when people get angry and whine. Think of him as a bully on the playground. The more you cry, the more fun he has.

  48. They are losers, that's all! ;)

  49. to all the people pissing and moning about the game shut the hell up at least u get 2 play the game .... just saying...... i realy wona play

  50. There sure are questionable people - "hackers"

    But there really are alot of people getting accused and are not hacking, hope the game can tell legit from bullcrap. (It is possible to be very good at the game you know)

    I was accused of wall hacking because i simply used the "V" key to switch shoulder views and saw a guy hiding by a dumpster when i swung my camera around..... i mean come on. I didnt even get the kill and the guy went off on me because i cooked a nade and popped out and hurt him bad - then he got finished. He was like "Reported for wallhacking, they will watch your account for 3 days now"

    I said "fine then they can see me NOT hack :) "

  51. today there is an information ?

  52. I bet there is no update today about the EU server.

  53. @bejorn i will like to add that you should consider what derek and Dexter are saying about the new system you guys (G1) trying to bring to make the game more fun.....but this new system will not work as you guys think....

    when i buy APB the first time in the old RTW, i buy it because i can be free in the city,show my car listen music while driving ,play with my friends and have soem fun agains random players i could pick up crimecraft but i didnt because the stupid matchmaking that i fun it stupid.......

    and now you want to bring the counter strike thing....i hope you understand that bringing this will make less player to play in the citys

    you should spend the time on soem other stuff like banning hackers and fixing stuff in the game that amke players quit the game in the future

  54. please bejorn@ open beta in ue pleaseeeeeeeeeeeee¡¡¡¡¡¡¡

  55. "I will provide an update on this Monday." I'm very impatient :D

  56. APB servers offline, will this mean anyting good? :D

    *hopes EU comes out*


  58. when will APB:Reloaded Open beta be online

  59. yep in europe
    And when i enter game it says an error like 10110 i think
    and Says this(incorrect game id and password) i alredy received the beta key and redeemed and ...
    i heard its b/c the servers are offline dunno

  60. @slipknotmetal20
    You have only the application key.
    The beta have no key.
    If you have no access you can't login!

  61. Are now the servers offline or not ?

  62. @3 Man Studios
    nope ... the servers are up

  63. Have some Questions concerning Characters and Items.

    1. when comes EU server Can we transfer our items and Money from US to EU Server via Game E-mail??

    2. after CB all characters will be reseted or not?

  64. You have to create a new character on the EU server and in the beginning from the OB all character will be deleted i think.
    I hope you understand my bad english.

  65. aww man I can't wait to see what they have in works for hackers(well can't really call them hackers if they didn't build the programs they use to cheat with, let's just called them Friendly Assisted Gamers(FAGs for short))
    I am so damn tired of aimbotters and wall hackers.
    I got shot in the head several times from well over 300 meters, yes all headshots.
    Hey dumb@$$, it's obvious what you're doing, but you don't care.
    Gamersfirst does though, your days are numbered, get ready for judgement....

  66. And ofcourse APB doesn't hold their deadline again.

  67. @nicolai

    Reelaaax... Have patience :D

  68. delay with blogpost...again.G1 dont seem to be serious organisation.

  69. what? G1 is not serious? that means you haven't played or participated in Need for Speed World's betas ... god it was a pain in the ass, they sort out some bugs and caused hundreds new ones, they let the serves run for a few days only, when they released the game it wasn't complete, they also sad that game is going to be F2P(free to play) and then it suddenly went P2P(pay to play) it had a starting price of 20$, witch i payed and after 4-5 moths they stabbed us in the back and the game wend F2P
    nearly a year passed by till the launch time and they are still fixing bugs and adding ''New Content'' to the game and guess what ... you can buy that only whit real money now for me EA in't a serious organization

    G1 has my full respect, be patient, i'm sure they have a good reason they are delaying

  70. @Cleric72

    My words excactly, People needs a little patience.. even though they said they would give us an update yesterday... Maybe the server parts are comming today! why make a blog saying: The parts will be in tomorrow or the day after tomorrow.. why not just write: WE HAVE THE PART NOW! Then everybody will be cheerfull! :D And then we can all play!! MADNESS! :D

  71. @EzioDK

    exaclty :D

  72. no thing about the EU server ???????????

  73. I just hope they fixed the server frame rate/latency issues.

    Then I would be happy....

    Come on next post!

  74. Gotta love they have obviously forgot a few zeros in their 60 hackers number...

  75. Now we have to wait 1 week or more for any news! ;)

  76. Haha yes Panic ofcourse! :D
    They talk about first monday in next month xD

  77. OB will be sooner :) just wait a little more

  78. Servers going to shut down after 1 hour. So it can be -----> OB is coming ;)

  79. OB is not coming now oO
    What you talk dude???

  80. PLEASE for the love of God take out "chase" missions where you hold onto an objective for 5 minutes and just drive around. Also the same thing goes for VIP missions, VIP's just running away in their cars for 10 minutes, wouldn't it be a better idea to just restrict them to not enter vehicles? Would make gameplay much faster and fun, no one wants to chase someone around for 10 minutes just for 1 mission which awards nothing in terms of rating and cash.

  81. What ever happened to the accept and deny missions like when RTW hosted APB??
    and why did they take out the ability to unlock vinyls and clothing from using the designer?


  83. @krrris you fail
    not even european servers aren't online yet.
    why should someone believe that bullsh*t

  84. @rene

    he might be hoping for a miracle...:D

  85. sorry guys it was mistake. some talking in server .. I thought its true.. sorry again.. really sorry..
    Got lots of friend who really really wants to enter but no use :( they all have to wait :(

    We just testing the game.. I can't keep anything from CB all we have to do is to test it. characters items and etc will reset after CB.

    Thats all I can tell.

  86. First of all like the rating system idea, I thought it already worked like that but if not then this sounds good.

    Also the level district thing could work, I could see some issues with clan mates wanting to group up, but I could be over thinking it.

    Then the match up would be nice. I know I had a post on the forums for bigger match ups so that would be cool (plus I like getting APBs). Also I have been giving alot of ideas to Turf Wars, I mean I can see it as an awesome idea

    Here's the link (mostly on the second page, Ange1ofD4rkness is me)

    Also I love how that comment about hackers seems so maniacal, in the words of Blade "You Didn't Think I Forgot About You, Did You?" (Blade 2)

    Also can you please put the vehicle unlock system back to what it use to be. I have been all over the forums about this. For example the Jericho and the Moirai unlock at the same time? Doesn't make sense, plus I feel the cars added more of a unique touch to the game, but with everyone buying presets or having only the started it loses to much (plus that's how I made money).

    As for everything else, thanks for the update, Any time frame we can expect OB? (Oh also HVR, look into it missing shots, something is up).

    APB FOREVER! (Ange1ofD4rkness, M3dusa - Zombie)

  87. I like how he removed the part where he would update us on Monday.

  88. Thank god for skill districts, I am a terrible player, and it seems like I keep getting owned unless I actually manage to get reinforcements.

    Being able to face players that are at least close to as bad as I am would be nice.

  89. i hate hackers they destroyed game

  90. Thanks for the info snd update. Very pleased to learn that you are on to those game spoiling low life hackers.

  91. If you include a "kill cam" that shows the last 5 seconds and how the guy killed you, that would help people see who's cheating and not.

  92. Kill cam? Relying strictly on observation will absolutely result in highly-experienced players being identified as cheats. Seems to me that without black-and-white evidence in hand, G1 will be banning folks simply because they shoot more accurately than most on a given day. Paranoia is now an inextricable part of APB culture. I mean, monitoring cheat sites for player activity? Come on folks, lol. It shouldn't need to be said, but as long as PB is in charge of anti-cheat, talented cheaters will continue to escape unscathed and possibly only caught by expert GM's. But like I said, not without legitiment players being caught in the crossfire.

  93. Maybe I won't turn my back on APB completely now... This update gave me new hope for the game; and I hope that Gamers First stays true to their intent and actually follows through.

  94. This comment has been removed by the author.

  95. How are you going to address the fact that in a single district the pool of players the matchmaking system is working with is so small? I suppose that separating out players based on skill level into different district instances will help in that respect.

  96. As long as the hackers are ban from servers as they are discovered for me, that adds vaule to any game.

    I recived a key for closed beta but when i tried to REDEEM it, the site was broken. /me is from the US.

    A side note every time I use the word redeem I think if unreal tournament. I picture someone shooting a large rocket at my beta key. :P

  97. i wish i could get a opinion of the game i just mad i have got invited to closed beta yet cause i played this game every day when it first came out and now i cant cause it shut down and i cant even get in beta even after i turned in application key

  98. I really love the though process behind the changes you intend to make. They're intuitive, and seem to make tons of sense!

    In terms of the matchmaking, there is something that I DO NOT like about the current system - 1 v 1 missions. In my opinion, this truly draws away from the intent of the game design. Often, the last kill will win the match, or the game turns into a trade off of surprise. It really lacks ingenuity. I think a good solution would be the option to toggle on or off 1 v 1 missions.

    Much like you said about allowing players to manually queue, giving players lots of user control over how they play against others is great, so long as it sticks to the spirit of the game.

    You guys are doing a great job, and its awesome to see that people are really dedicated to improving this game. That thought alone makes this game more enjoyable!

  99. This comment has been removed by the author.

  100. haha it's funny that people expect a shit ton of the population to be hackers. i swear 99% of the time ppl say someone is hacking... they're either making an excuse to why they got owned, or they just suck and think they're good/want people to think they're good (which is most the APB population). Obviously there are hackers, but not nearly as much as most people say or think there are.

  101. No, cheating is rampant. Period. Anyone who says differently is either too inexperienced to know any better, or are cheats themselves. This was a problem before, and it will continue to be a problem. I would argue that for every person making excuses to band-aid their ego, there are two people ridiculing them to cover their hacking.


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