
Monday, April 27, 2015

Some Important News as we Move Into May

Hello Citizens,

This blog post will be a quick one with a few announcements from myself to you all. 

Last week ended the Easter Event 2015 and a new month is just around the corner. With the upcoming month of May, I will be providing the next batch of answers to your inquires and posting my questions to you very shortly. 

One issue I will address in this post regards our Trophy system that started in February.  The goal was for participants to collect unique items in past and upcoming events and then reward players with an upcoming unique event and customizable versions of their items. 

Much as the idea of a trophy system was solid, the methodology and practice did not perform as well as I expected.  So, with the next live release, all players that have earned the Valentine quiver and Easter egg head trophy will be provided with customizable versions of their very own.

As mentioned in the first Q&A session, we had plans to change the direction of our Trophy system in 2016.  The feedback and concerns from players provided us with the proper info and guidance to create a more valuable and promising system for the New Year. 

For your feedback, I say thank you in making our game better each and every step of the way.

Well, as I said this was a quick post so till next time citizens.