
Thursday, March 30, 2017

Play Station 4 Soft Launch!

Spring has sprung in the US and with that we have exciting news! We’re happy to announce that the APB Reloaded PlayStation 4 soft launch starts during the next 24 hours. The US launch occurs at 8 AM PDT March 31, with most of the other regions launching at midnight their time.

The game will remain in a "Soft Launch" mode for the first 30 days (which mostly means it will have limited public announcements other than the formal launch announcement from the Publisher). During this 30 day period we encourage all current and former PC players to try the game and to give us feedback that we can incorporate into the upcoming updates (note: in order to access our private APB PS4 forums, you first have to log in to APB from a PS4 before you can use the forums).

As a "thank you" for helping test the game during the first month, we are giving out freebies to all players who log in AND we will be giving out "Founders" tags for those that put in more than 10 hours in game prior to the first patch (or during the first 30 days, whichever comes first). These will be delivered at patch time.

Innova Migration

We’re still working hard on the migration as it has taken longer than originally anticipated, especially as it has collided with the PS4 launch. We are going through all items in the databases and doing some balance passes. Once we get closer to the launch of the migration, we will make a post asking for testers from the original Russian side to help us with testing out the processes. 

Engine Upgrade

Once we are out of the soft launch for the PS4 the team moves on to completing the Engine Upgrade work for the PC side. There is no estimation at this time, but we’ll keep you posted.

Have a great week!